Elder Matthew Wright Gagon - Brazil Curitiba Mission

Elder Michael David Gagon - Brazil Belo Horizonte Mission

Friday, January 28, 2011

Matt: Jan 26th, 2011

Dearest Family, friends, blog checkers, and any and all listening in on Oldies 94.1-
Wassup?!? So this week was kinda wierd. Yesterday for a service project we moved over 2000 bricks from the front yard to the side of the house of a member, and my body is super sore. Also our golden investigators all either went to the beach for the week, or don´t really understand the importance of reading the Book of Mormon and praying about it and how it relates to being baptized... stuff like that. We´re working on it though. Also this week I got a package full of Christmas letters from the Crescent Park 3rd ward! YEAH WOOO!!!!! A lot of "Hey elder Gagon you don´t know me cuz I´m new in the ward, but hope you have fun in the rain forest." and stuff like that.
At lunch this week my comp was reading the January Liahona and tuned to me asking "Is Sandy Freckleton Gagon your aunt?" and I said, "Uhh no, but we´re prob related. Why do you ask?" and he showed me this awesome painting on the inside cover by someone that is probably swinging in our same family tree. So check that out. Also in that same lunch one of the members looked at a pic with me with short hair and said "You look like Matt Damon with your hair cut." I don´t know if I need to remind you, but Matt Damon was considered the "sexiest man alive" in like 2008 or 9 so I´m getting my hair trimmed first thing tomorrow morning so I can have more than just 7 out of 10 letters in my name in common with him.
Other than that the work is rolling along. I don´t have a ton to say this week, but I do have a bunch of pictures that should more than make up for it, so here goes:

Love you all,
Elder Matt

Michael: Jan 26, 2011

Ola familia! Bom d+?
Whose baby is the size of what fruit this week!?!?
This week was good, eventhough we had an investigator walk with us all the way to church and when we left his side he ran home! I had a day that shows just how wicked the world is getting. On one street I taught a 15 year old girl and her 24 year old husband (guy she lives with), then I taught a 16 year old girl whos got a 3 year old kid! and to top it off a 19 year old girl with her 60 year old husband (guy she lives with)!!!! Minha nossa!
But this week was good. Im working hard thats for sure, taught my mission high number of lessons in a week... just not so sure Im working smart, but President was inspired from heaven to have us do a division with the assistants. My comp went with Elder Brown to his area and I taught with the other assistant (Elder Duckett from Provo). I learned a lot, it really helped, and we´re lookin forward to a baptism Saturday.
We also ran into a lot of inactives. We had one of them say the prayer at the end of the lesson and he said ´´in the name of Jesus Christ, of latter day saints, amen´´ hahaha. And one other lady went off blessing the president, the presidents of all countries, all her relatives by name, and all her children by name and address hahaha.
One girl I baptised has a super poor family so I paid her mom to wash my clothes, One of the best ideas yet. I thought my socks were crusty cause they dry in the sun - but now I am remembering the smell and touch of truly clean clothes.
Well family I love you muito! I love all your emails/letters and I really feel your love out here to. So grateful for all you! Have a great week.

Elder Michael Gagon

Nat- 5 and a half weeks! Thats less than one transfer away!
Por favor file my taxes for me. And if you could, file for 2007, and 2006 and look into what happened with my results from 2009? kkk obrigado!

Jor - Logo depois de Avery nascer voce vai ficar sabendo o sexo da sua nene! Que legal! Eu recebi tudo no seu pacote! obrigado! gostei d+! Achei com certeza com sua passagem voce ganhou de graça voce ia vir para ca! Mas se-divertir em buffalo!

Matt: January 19th, 2011

Querida amada bondosa familia of mine,
What be the happy haps? This week has been pretty sweet. We found this family, complete with parents who are LEGALLY MARRIED, a daughter, and a son of GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD! haha (10 minute Brazilian soccer "goal!") They are so great. The mom is from Michael´s land of Minas Gerais, and it turns out they´ve already had the missionary lessons before, but right now things are just clickin like chicken. We asked the dad, who isn´t the sharpest crayon in the box, to be baptized and right away he gave us a Scooby Doo, "uhhh ROH KAY!" but when we asked the mom she was like "umm I think we should wait and talk about this as a family and see what comes of it." So we went back there last night and her daughter who is a practicing Catholic was there, but we taught them about the Book of Mormon and it went over pretty well, so we´ll probably re-pop the question later this week. Also this week we had 2 youngsters (10 and 13 yrs old) come up to us and say "Elder I want to be baptized." anyone who has ever served a mish can imagine the joy and just how awesome it was to hear that, and when I did all I could get out was, "uhh ROH KAY!" So the 10 year old is a girl named Jessica, and we taught her with her mom and sister and I´m hoping that maybe all 3 will come to know the truth as much as the one already has and be baptized as well. The 13 year old is a thug named Cleiton. He´s friends with that yahoo Ramon who I traded my electric bug tennis racket to. We taught him about the restoration and he´s got a few lights upstairs that he needs to turn on, but he´s awesome. We´re going to his house today to tell his mom that he wants to get baptized and have a kneeling prayer and all that good stuff, because I´m pretty sure his mom doesn´t like the missionaries. All in all this week was really good. Today we went to downtown Curitiba to buy a new camera because my beloved nikon broke a couple weeks back. It was way sweet. It was like a mix of New York City and Rocky Point, Mexico (if that makes any sense).
Al- NEPHEW!!!?!!?!!? WAAAHH! Congratulations that is so exciting! In your pics that you sent it looks like Adam has lost some weight. Maybe those 89 hour work days are paying off in ways you don´t realize.
Jor- life sounds rockin.
Michael- emergency transfer? What the heck?!?
Well that´s pretty much all I´ve got for this week. I love you all with every fiber of my being. Fique firme. I have to echo Michael when I say go to the temple! I am so lucky to have a temple here in my mission where they have cheap stuff for recent converts, and also to provide us with those blessings. Yallsies have 3 that you can see from your house without even moving your head... Also I don´t know when the Brigham City and or Payson Temples are going to be dedicated, but the open houses are are an awesome missionary opportunity. I remember when the Draper Temple had the open house I went with my friend Ryon who isn´t a member and it was super awesome for the both of us. If you have non-member friends, or inactive friends, or just friends who haven´t been through the temple invite them to go to the open house with you, and I promise you it will be a great experience.

Amo todo vocês com tudo que sou
- Elder Matthew Wright Gegs Gagon I of Curitiba

Michael: Jan 19, 2011

Hey Family
Hey Family. I was emergencied transfered from Sevilha back to Veneza where I came from. So I left the church where there is no drinking fountain and everyone uses the same cup at the water cooler, and Im back to the temple-like grandona church! Another cool thing is Elder Brown is now in the other ward that comes to this chapel so I saw him Sunday, whooh!
So ya some people here think I never left, some dont remember me from the 6 weeks I was here and think Im new - but a lot of people were happy to see me so it was good. Others were more like ´´Oh, you again..´´
Overall I think it was a great change, having a toilet being one of the big pluses. (I think the Elders back in Sevilha are gonna get caught throwing pee off the balcony cause pee STINKS SO BAD!)
My new companion is Elder Valenta! Another Kentuckian, from Nicholasville.... Adam?
I got everyones packages, Al Jor and Nat, and Rhettika your letter! Heres one big OBRIGADAO!! Jor your pictures are amazin´ I loved!
Last week I ate what tasted like Dads teryaki stir fry and a few days before his other more chicken fajita style stir fry which was one of the best things ive eaten here! Miss ya pa! Another one of the best things we eat once in a while is stroganof? Except they make it with Chicken, Green Olives and Rice, in stead of Beef, Mushrooms and Noodles.
One of the not so good things I ate a while ago was cow stomach.
So also in this emergency transfer I was made Senior. So Ive had a pit in my stomach for 4 days... Its not easy but Im learning faith and prayer. I dunno what more to say about that.
If you guys feel up to it I thought you guys could send me stuff I could give to my future converts, cheap CTR rings, a cool book mark for scriptures, stuff like that...? Just little things theyve got at DesBook, i dunno. We can talk more about it.
Last friday night I saw a gang rollin around on horses haha, 8 thugs just mobbin the streets on horse back, loved it.
Im glad you guys liked my pictures but now im back at this lan house where its sketchy to send them, sorry.

Al - So excited you are having a boy!! You have a guitar? Also, from last week, loved your email about your mission and that picture. Ive reflected a lot about it these days. Your girls are the cutest, and I think its awesome youve got a violin student! Do you think you could help me with cello when I get back?
Oh ya which reminds me, a couple sacrament meetings ago we sang the hymn to the music of Go Tell Aunt Rhody haha!
Rhett - I bought me a fanny pack a few weeks ago! LOVE IT! Ive taken a couple verbal blows but I also think people will consider one for themselves.
Jor - Obrigado pelo email. Será que Bear is barking to his parents in Vietnam? I liked hearing about them, so cool!
Can - I noticed your state ring as part of your halloween get up hahahah. I have TWO! Oh wait, so do you and you played a lot. All-state!
Matt - keep up the good work! Oh and I dunno if you já have too but I met a girl named Ruth (hoochie)
Nick - Glad to hear youre a good helper at the Michels, you look SICK in football gear w/ your pink nic nacs.

We had a lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day Holy and I really felt the importance of it and how I couldve done better before. I heard a quote by Im not sure which prophet or apostle that says ´´Sitting home doing nothing isnt sanctifying the Lords day´´ mais ou menos. And this one guy said this other phrase that I liked a lot ´´If you want something to happen that never has, you have to do something you have never done before.``
I hope everyone is reading the Book of Mormon, and making it to the temple, and I strongly encourage reading the Conference Talks. Family I love and am grateful for you more than I can put in words!

Elder Michael Gagon

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Matt: Jan 12th 2011

Dearest Family,
What in the wide world of sports is-a going on there? So this week was pretty alright. We did some good walking, some good preaching, and are overall just sharing the gospel. We have 2 families that want to be baptized, and we´re helping one of them overcome some word of wisdom issues. Both are great. The sun continues to shine here and we continue marching onwards. One of the ladies we are teaching was looking at our family photos that we have, and in the picture of my 4 sisters at Rhettika´s wedding she looked at Jordan and was like, "Wow she looks like a hollywood actress.. Yeah, she looks like Sharon Stone." So Jor, take that for what it is worth. This week my comp was throwing the ping pong balls I got for my electric bug slayer at the mosquitos on the wall and telling me since I lost the bug killer I had, I might as well make due with the 4 bug killers that I received ha ha so that was funny. Other than that just doing the work and quemando gente that have been taught biweekly for 3 months and been to church once. Utah sounds like it´s freezing. Somebody head up to the slopes for me!

Al- I loved your email. Thank you for sending.
Nick- Got your email, sending you a letter tomorrow.
Michael- You can buy those rackets here in Brasil mesmo. I´ve seen them as cheap as 12 reais and as expensive as like 22.

I pray for all of you nightly, individually. I hope that yallsies are finding the same happiness that I´m finding here in Lamanite country. I hope all of you know that I love you all. Yes indeedy corn cobs.

Love, Elder Gagon de Curitiba

Michael: Jan 12th 2011

Dear Family,
I love you all, thanks for all your love support and emails. This week was good. We had a baptism Sunday, Julio. A husband of a recent convert. Hes a good one. Future Melchezideck priesthood holder and Father of 2 little boys, future missionaries.
Also last weeks baptisms were confirmed, no problems. But all our baptisms marked for the Sunday fell last night so were starting at ground 0 again...
I dont got much to say so Ill send some pics cause I figured out how finally....
Here are some pic descriptions
I met a lady thats 104 years old. Walks great, when we got there she was lifting a chair from inside to sit outside on her porch. Strong bones.
Horse that ran down the freeway.
Tree stuck in a hole in the road
fat kid thats only 3 years old (almost 4)
My house in Floresta (where I lived 3 months ago)

I forgot what pics Ive already sent but more will come!

AL , and Adam-- Parabens! for going to the temple. That had to be the worst feeling when it was closed but glad Adam hearkened to the still small voice and you guys returned. Dino BBQ and the Sacred Grove sound so good I wanna eat a mango with a worm in it, get sent home, and visit ya just to do it all the sooner (jk). I havent gotten your Christmas package yet.
I assume you get all your foreign recipes from the internet. Have you tried any Brazilian stuff?
MATT, those tennis rackets are crazy, when my comp waves it around our dirty dirty dirty kitchen sink its like your New Years Eve experience, POP, ZAP, POW x 10! Dozens of fruit flies being smited. And I jump everytime. Did you buy yours in the states? Cause I want one.
DAD Id also like Matts line of authority. or Heck, Ill even take Rhetts kkk....

Love yall

Matt: Jan 5th, 2011

Dearest marvelous family of mine,
What is up? So this week was new years eve and it was crazy! We had permission to stay out til 11 (with a ride home) but our ride wouldn´t take us home til after the fireworks at midnight. So we stayed new years at Irmã Rosalia´s house (aunt kathy lady/ relief society pres) and after a great grand new years eve feast her son in law got out this rack of fireworks that had what looked like 40 paper towel rolls (the cardboard part) all linked together. So I was like "minha nossa, não acredito" And then he brought out a second rack of fireworks that had 30 more of these fireworks. Fam- Brazilians LOVE their fireworks and from like 6 oclock at night til 11:45 there was a steady stream of "big" fireworks going off here and there, but at like 11 50 to 12 10, it was like somebody turned on the light switch to the sky. BANG!!! POW!!! ZOOM!!! ZAP!!! (no we weren´t watching 1960s Batman, those are firework sounds) It was like Samuel the lamanite said "the night will be as day". ha ha so NYE in Brasil was awesome.
Ok so another story. Remember that electric fly swatter/tennis racket that I bought but was broken? So this kid in the ward, who´s kinda annoying and not very smart, came over to our house and was like "Elder can I have this tennis racket fly swatter?" and seeing a window of opportunity I said, "No you can´t have it, but I´ll trade it to you for a ping pong ball" We have a ping pong table in the church and we go play sometimes. And this kid came back with not one, but 4 ping pong balls. So I was like "Sweet! got rid of that daggum broken tennis racket and got a ping pong ball so now we don´t have to invite half the bairro to get someone who has a ball" The next day we were walking by that same kid´s house and he was like "Elder thank you so much for that tennis racket. I´ve already killed 4 flys with it!" I couldn´t believe it. My companion believed it even less than I did, and told him to bring the racket outside to show us. So he want and got it, and there weren´t any flies around so he hit a piece of grass and zapped it into kingdom come! Then he saw a mosquito and swatted it and this HUGE spark came out and he sent that menace´s spirite down to hell... It turns out I wasn't pressing the red button hard enough and I traded my $15 electric fly destroyer for like $1.50 in ping pong balls :(
Today I actually went to the temple and did a sesh. It was great. I am super duper lucky to have a temple in my mish and a wonderful marvelous awesome mission president that encourages us to go.
Other than that not a ton happened this week. We taught a few lessons, but mostly people were on vacation or drunk or hungover and didn´t want to see us.

Jor- I GOT YOUR PACKAGE! Que benção! It was so great! A million thank yous. You rock.
Rhett/Erika/Michael- I was in an investigators house and High School Musical 1 was on, and it just so happened to be on the part where they are playing basketball/dancing and I couldn´t control myself cuz I was laughing so hard from that SNL where they said, "Well at least you have basketball to fall back on, HuhrrRIGHT TROY!?!?!" kkkkkkkkk
Dad- If you could send me my priesthood line of authority, that would rock.

I love you all so much. I know this is God´s work and that he loves us even more than we can understand.

TCHAU -Elder Matt

Michael: Jan 5th 2011

Dear family.
Its rained all year long here. We had baptisms this sunday, people my companion had already been teaching. A mom and a daughter, and the mom asked me to baptise her, which is always great. For those who have baptised people before did any of them squirm or freak out under the water/or when they come up ? haha she did a little, I think she opened her mouth.... But shes a super funny lady - but she has depression and gets really nervous.
The work has been going well. Me and my comp are teaching well together..
I think my area borders my last area, when I was on top of a hill, I was looking over all the other hill tops and thought I saw the tallest hill in my last area pokin out. (lots of hills).
Our bathroom that had the unbearable stink has gotten 100 times better since we decided to pee in a bucket and throw it off the balcony (we live above a store) onto the roof of the store... and the Lord has blessed me with great control, Ive always made it to the church to do number 2 no probs.
I guess nobody made it a new years resolution to email me every week, unless you designated Thursday as your email day and are waiting for the first one of the year.
Im doing great. I miss you all. And I love you to pieces.
Elder Michael.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Michael: Dec 29th 2010

Oi familia!
I got transfered, close by, still in Riberao das neves, Pampulha stake, but another ward. It was a branch thats only been a ward for 7 weeks, so prob the smallest ward Ive been in yet. It doesnt have a chapel, its in a strip mall like all the other abominable churches down here. My companion is Elder Silva Souza, yeah a brazilian, and He was my roommate in the CTM!!! We flew here together, and he is basically the best! Hes from your terra matt, Parana! From what Ive gathered he baptises um monte so Im just gonna try not to cramp his style this transfer. Our house is big and nice, a breath of fresh air to get out of my last one.
Laziness gets dangerous when no one wants to clean up the broken glass on the floor.
the only downer (kinda a big one) is that we dont have a toilet. Ok, thats a lie, we have one, its just full to the brim with water (and probably lots of poo..and pee) I havent looked in it, but its been broken for who knows how many months. So, we pee in the shower and take dumps in the womens bathroom in the church across the street. My comp says hes had to poo in a garbage sack sometimes, I feel an accident coming.
It was awesome to talk to everyone Christmas. Did it go by as fast to you guys as it did for me? The next day or two was rough.... But from what I gathered everybody wants to know more about the food.... I dont want to try to describe the fruits Ive eaten here, maybe in the future Ill jsut find out the names.... It really is rice and beans, carne, macarrao all the days, usually with tomatoes on the side. My other favorite side dish is a kind of chicken salad, or tuna, ya know, mixed with mayonaise and then they mix shredded carrots, olives, peas, corn, raisins, stuff like that :).
One time I put my beans in a roll and it tasted kinda like a bean burrito it was so good.
Well family I love you all. Have a great new years. Make some good resolutions to do fam prayer and scrip study and Monday fam night!!! Beijos e abraços Elder Michael

You know youve been here a good while when you dont mind the fruit fly in your cup of juice as long as it doesnt get in your mouth. Then you know youve been here a little longer when you drink the fruit fly.