Elder Matthew Wright Gagon - Brazil Curitiba Mission

Elder Michael David Gagon - Brazil Belo Horizonte Mission

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Matt: October 26, 2011

Dear Family,
This week has been a good one. We mostly just work until we feel we can´t go any longer, and then we work some more. The highlight of my week came when the Brasilian postal service ended their strike and I was flooded with a heap of great letters coming from my two younger bros as well as some amigos. QUE BENÇÃO!!! Also this week I saw a tucan in a tree of an investigator´s house. It was so amazing. I was just about ready for him to make it rain Froot Loops like in the commercials, but he just flew away like a boss. The low-light of the week came when Jackson who was supposed to be baptized Sunday decided to not go to church or be home the entire week when we had appointments marked with him... Kinda crappy, but my reasoning is, you can only go so long doing so many things right and just giving everything you´ve got before the blessings start falling into place and things start happening for your benefit.
Sorry fam, from the sounds of my emails you would think that the mission is terrible, but it´s not. It´s the best! Even the guys who won´t answer the door because they "already know Jesus Christ", or "are potheads so they can´t hear your message or read your book", or have their little kids come out to tell us "my mom said she´s not home"... all of it is the best! We had a sunday school lesson about the second coming of Jesus Christ and it really hit home with me about the gravity of missionary work. I am happy to say on that great and terrible day there will be hosts of Brasilians that say, "Wow, I really should´ve listened to that Americano." The church is true. God knows it, and so do I. I´ll try to write better emails in the weeks that come, and if you guys want to know all about the key indicators that will make things a lot easier cuz I´m pretty much turning into the RoboElder 2011 edition and my excitement these-a-days comes from hitting the padrão.

Mom- Thank you so much for the email I love hearing from you so much.

Nick- California sounded sweet; paintballing in jorts- not so much. Congrats on the fumb recov. SCOOP&SCORE?!!?
Jor- Holy cow, 2 years already!?!? Para bens. In respect to your email, all I can say is I guess Hunter takes after his mom. kkkkk

Com muito amor,
Elder Matt Gagon

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